Saturday 14 May 2011

Gathering Intel
'The Army way'

"New orders from HQ gents, there is a region in the desert that has not been visited since the Russians were last here in the 80's, and next to them a small region in the desert that have not had a foreign visitor since the late 1800's when the British Army Redcoats went in on horse back. Higher believes there is an enemy stronghold somewhere in the area and it is down to us to find out. We'll come down from the main road and approach from the north and see how far we get until we get contacted if at all, we'll stop in the village and with the terp ask a few questions see what they need if anything and we will be on our way, should take us about five hours, any questions". Capt T offered to the table.
"yes Sir if these people have not seen any foreign visitors for a hundred or so years, wont they just shoot at us anyway" was the routine intelligent and humorous question from Brummy.
" Well It will certainly be the first time they meet a Brummy, we will just have to wait and see when we get there".
Sgt Jock's distinct voice "Right troops mount the wagons and be at the front gate in fifteen, let's go and someone tell the Afghan troops to ready up".

 All checks were done, vehicles were in formation and we were off into the land that time had forgot (thank you HQ).
As we came off the main road and headed down a dusty trail I said over the radio "It's deadly quiet around here" and the convoy lead by the Afghans was starting to slow.
Being the top cover in my vehicle I could see the Afghan troops focus there attention in one direction with a sense of alertness (like when a meerkat pokes his head up when he has heard a noise), one of the Afghan soldiers saw me swing my machine gun in the general direction as I was reading the body language of the men in the front vehicle I took it as a combat indicator, I looked at him and he clearly pointed in the direction he was looking, not hearing what he said or further more I would not of understood but I got the gist of his arm action, so I got on the net "Just to inform you the ANA have spotted something in the distance to the right, I'm scanning the ground for any activity"
After a good look with my 'mark 1 eyeball' I bent down and got my rifle from inside the vehicle to look through the x4 scope, I scanned again but still no joy, what were the Afghan soldiers looking at "I can not see anything where the Afghans are looking"
"we are near to where we need to be so we will stop here , dismount and head the rest on foot. If we get in to a contact here we can not manoeuvre the vehicles over this terrain and we will be sitting bullet magnets" replied the boss followed by Sgt Jock
"1 section on me usual formation, Cpl Back you stay with the vehicles and keep an eye on the Afghan drivers (who stayed behind to watch the vehicles) and be prepared to provide overwatch and give covering fire if we need it."

When the Afghan commander and Capt Triathlon and the terp had finished with the route and details of the patrol we set off, lead by the Afghan section followed us.
The sun was beaming hot as always in the arid desert climate and the humidity was really thick when your in a steam room and you can feel the moist air on your lips and fill your lungs, as there is not much wild nature in Afghan there is the feeling of missing the birds chirping on a hot summers day back in England. The moment was broken by Brummy and his mid patrol conversation.
"you know what Roby its been 2 months since I've been laid"
"well unless you intend to play for the other team it will be another day more"
"I can not wait to get back home"
"well save those thoughts for another time, I don't like this silence and the ANA look jumpy"
In the far distance we could hear two or three bikes riding into the area and heading into the same direction we were walking into, which changed the conversation in mid flow as we patrolled silently again for a brief amount of time, every soldier knowing himself that the patrol had just taken the serious twist which comes with every patrol and it is just a matter of time before the first signs start to appear, the signs every soldier looks for but hopes he does not find.
  I said "well there is a combat indicator if ever I saw one"
"ANA push to the right flank, 1 section shake out to the left" Sgt Jock's order meant only one thing, he was preparing the men and we the men started to focus and get our thinking caps on.

The one thing about walking into enemy territory is they will know we are coming and will call in re-enforcements to set up an ambush and as we are in the enemies territory we are in their hunting ground and they have the upper hand when it comes to shooting first.
The terrain we were on was all farmland with paths going around the edges of the fields
 separated by high tree lines, there was compound buildings dotted all over the place and at times it felt urbanised with narrow alleys and high walls.
Walking through the farm terrain was always tough going as the soil stuck to your boots and you feel like you had extra weights on your feet.
Some of the farmers out in the field all stopped to look at us as we patrolled on by, most of them just smiled, some of them put one hand up as a hello and some of the farmers just ignored us. The farmers seemed to be at ease at the fact they had Afghan Army soldiers with us and were leading the way through their territory. Even some of the locals were interacting with the ANA and apparently giving them Intel on where the Taliban were. and then. 

"CONTACT, not seen" shouted Brummy
The bullets flew through the air and we all saw the splash in the dust where they landed in the field in front of us, all of us slightly hesitant just kind of looked and carried on casually patrolling towards the enemy, fully knowing the enemy was out of range there was no panic.
"no idea what there shouting about" I said before I saw some local men and women fleeing the area towards our direction, when they set eyes on us they changed direction and went off in another direction to avoid the Taliban who had by force cleared them out of the area. The boss directed both sections up to a compound forward of our position.
As we got near to the compound the ANA went off on the right flank and most of them disappeared behind a treeline and just as we took up positions against the wall.
All hell broke loose the ANA on the right hand flank pushed forward and out of sight and went forward to attack the enemy.
We all hit the ground hard, me and Brummy dived into cover behind the corner of the wall while the boss and Sgt Jock got behind the small wall in between the compound wall and a wide stream that ran around the edge of a field we were next to with some of the 1 section men.
"Boss I can see where the enemy are firing from, give me some covering fire I will try and push up this river bed to get a better position to return fire"
"OK 1 section on my count give the Sgt covering fire, everyone ready, prepare to move Sgt 3.............2.............1 'Rapid Fire' "
The troops put down a massive rate of automatic fire it sounded good, and it put the enemy on the back foot for a second, until Sgt Jock was up to make a dash forward, but as soon as he was up he was hitting the ground hard and crawling for his life and rolling down the slight ditch where the deep stream was up to waist height where he still had to duck low to avoid the enemy fire.
From the enemy point of view they had us pinned down and when they saw Sgt Jock make a move it was like a whole wall of bullets just moved simultaneously to the right  to follow anything which moved, And now they had our Sgt pinned down.
Me and Brummy were behind the corner of the compound wall lined up, me at the corner and Brummy watching my back and observing the right hand flank locating the ANA from time to time, I was trying to peek around the corner, I had a peak and (Smash,Smash,Smash,Smash) bullets were nailing my corner so much the stone dust was getting in my eyes as it was flying off the bullet impacts.
(Fuck me I thought this fire is accurate)
I returned a quick two round burst and for my efforts got seven rounds back. These guys were not the usual enemy these guys were experienced fighters and if we messed up they would be all over us.
"Roby get on me now" I heard the boss
"Roga that, Brummy cover me"
I hit the floor like a human magnet and heard a short quick burst of fire go over my head as Brummy did his job to cover my move forward.
"nice one mate"
"Boss I'm on your left what do need me to do"
"Roby put some fire down on that target left of the doorway 300meters"
I poked my head over the wall just enough to for my eyes to glance at the target,
"Target SEEN"
(BangBaBaBaBaBang,Bang) I started suppressing the target and the enemy fire started to slow but I could not fire for long as every burst of fire I fired I was getting more attention from the enemy bullets, and I could feel the wind going past my face and ears.
So I ducked back down behind the wall.
This firefight was intense rounds were coming in from all angles until Brummy pointed out on the right hand flank where the ANA were that they were pushing forward and had cleared an enemy compound on the right, he could not see everything with the trees in the way and also dodging bullets just to poke his head from out of the cover of the wall.
The Boss took this opportunity to try and get all our men in back in a safe position and in a position to get back in the action.
"Roby on my count rapid fire,(on the radio) Sgt Jock when you hear the rapid fire get back to my position behind this wall"
" OK Roby its me and you 3.....2.....1 FIRE"
We sent as much lead hell in the enemies direction as humanly possible.
"Magazine" the boss shouted
(Bollocks) I thought, I slowed down my fire and just then Sgt Jock came diving round the corner towards Brummy's direction (good timing). Unknown to us the covering fire had freed up two of the Afghan soldiers who also made their way to Brummy, who was now the cover man for everyone behind that wall and keeping them safe.
One of the Afghan soldiers came forward to my position with his RPG and without warning got in to position on the wall and went to fire the RPG, "NO, no no no" I was not having any of that so I dived on him and got him down from the wall, firstly I did not want my eardrums blown out and secondly the soldier did not have a helmet on so being on that wall for more than a few seconds would not have gone down too well. He said "No Taliban Boom"
"no (with a chuckle) No Taliban Boom" I pointed at my ears and we both chuckled.

I could hear the boss on the radio calling in mortar fire from the nearest camp and he said
"wait out", "Roby how far would you say it is to that compound where the enemy are"
I poked my head up and had just enough time to fire three rounds into the enemy direction and to watch the splash of my rounds but (Crack,Crack,Crack) I had to get my head down (Smash,Smash,Smash) my head turned too look at the wall behind me and where my head just was, was three holes in the wall.
I changed position along the wall and fired another three rounds but got four back in reply, as I watched the holes in the wall move from where my last position was to where my head just was again. These incoming rounds were super accurate, the enemy I was shooting at was going for a head shot and it was my head on the line.
"Boss about 300m"
There was no way I was poking my head out again.
"roga that Roby, Mortars incoming in twenty five seconds, I'm falling back behind this wall to regroup the Afghan troops"
"OK boss on my count" I tapped the Afghan soldier next to me on the shoulder to signal him to fire with me "3....2....1 MOVE"

The boss was in cover but the Afghan soldier did not fire, just a communication barrier between Afghan and British as he just smiled at me showing all of his teeth, I just smiled back.

"Heads down" the boss shouted
The mortars came in and shook everything and created a silence, with the dust still in the air this was a nervous silence as we could not know if we had hit all of the enemy positions, and the possibility that the enemy could be lying in wait was a chance I was not prepared to take and I kept this in the back of my mind.

The ANA came running back to our location from somewhere on the right flank with distant shouts of "Taliban finish, Taliban Finish"
We were unclear if that meant they had finished off the Taliban on the right flank or were they in a position to see the mortars land and they were telling us the Taliban were finished on our flank? In any case the boss took this opportunity to get on the radio "Right troops the ANA will lead off back to the vehicles followed by us, prepare to withdraw"
I grabbed the Afghan soldier and signalled to him to move out and around the corner and I followed him and took up overwatch at the corner of the wall in case of any follow up attack, 1 section moved off "Roby let's move"
"After you boss I have your back" and knowing at that point that the boss was more important to get out of the situation and not get shot in the back on the withdrawal was my main concern, plus my usual role in a patrol was tail end charlie so I did not mind watching for any sign of movement while walking backwards and keeping up with the men (an art form I had mastered over many patrols).
Back past the friendly farmers and the fleeing men and women and over the fields of heavy walking and finally at the vehicles.
We all got back to the vehicles safely and after some friendly banter of who did not shoot the most rounds between us and the ANA we headed back to camp along the dusty road trails, and to be rewarded with a load of dust my face going back as top cover.

Today was by far not over yet.

Back in camp we were all looking forward to scoff or evening meal, all we had now was a debrief and our bellies would be full and we could go about our daily evening routine.
 We all sat around for a debrief from the boss. and in the distance was a horrifically loud BOOOOOOOM.
We all looked at each other alertly
"what the fuck is that now"
"I do not know but it does not sound good, hopefully it is a bomb maker blowing himself up and not someone else triggering an IED"
and before we could even finish our conversation BOOOOOOOOM again.
Sgt Jock "wait here men let me find out what has just happened, be prepared" and he ran off towards the HQ tent.
"Be prepared for what" Brummy enquired to the group, but we just sat there and had a cigarette knowing that whatever came next would involve us and something to do with an explosion, which none of us liked as you will not find a soldier who has had a good experience with IED's.
After a couple of minutes Sgt Jock came running over, and instead of shouting get your kit on gents were off out he said something which turned out to be much worse,
"There has been two suicide bombers detonate in the middle of the town in the middle of the busy period before everyone closes up for the day, the casualties are unknown, we do know the suicide bombers went to the middle of the town for maximum casualties and they are all civilian casualties".
There was a silent pause and as I struggled to take in these words and wonder why anyone would do this to unarmed people going about their daily routine.
" The med centre needs all hands on in case the people come to us for aide, gents head over to the med centre and see what you can offer them"
The look that me an Brummy made to each other as we walked over to the med centre was that look that expressed a thousand feelings and summed up everything you take an hour to explain, which was not the first time me and Brummy had seen this look before.

We got to the med centre and all the medics were all ready and geared up to go, and the head doctor asked us all to the front gate.
As soon as we got to the front gate there was locals arriving on any vehicle they had and rushing there loved ones, family and friends into the camp.
One Afghan local ran his wife straight into my arms, she was in a bad way and I had no Idea what to do, I ran this lady to the female doctor and she then ran with me to the operating table in the med centre, I laid her down and the orderlies started getting medical things for the doctor. I had no Idea what to do apart from stand back and await any instruction while the doctor started treating this lady who was screaming in pain, as her husband was stopped at the gate for security reasons I decided to grab a terp and I escorted him to this lady and told him to calm her down and say anything to her and repeat what the doctor is instructing.
I had no idea what was being said but at least the lady was now aware of what was happening. Leaving these people to do there jobs I waited outside and then I saw the scale of how many casualties had come through our gates. I just could not believe my eyes the amount of pain and suffering and screaming going on, soldiers running around with doctors and medics all doing their best to help these people and save their lives. I did not know how to feel I sensed my eyes were on record and my mind was taking it all in and wandering why someone would do this, If the casualties were all soldiers then there is reason and understanding but innocent unarmed and defenceless people.
This was the work of pure evil spite and everyone else had to suffer and pick up the pieces afterwards. The next day we went into the town centre to offer our help and support and many of the locals thanked us for our efforts and although feeling we have not done enough for these people we were happy that they were as they could be safe in our presence.
I am happy to say the lady I rushed to the operating table survived her injuries and miraculously made a full recovery with only a few life time scars but she was able to go on with her day to day life.

This is an example of how Intel is obtained in the army, soldiers have to go into enemy territory and face getting shot at or ambushed just to obtain information to pass up the chain of command so that they can organise the necessary forces to eliminate the enemy threat from that area, as in this area would possibly be the bomb makers for the surrounding areas where they make the bombs or IED's to target UN forces, Afghan Government forces and even the local population.

I would like to tribute to all of the medical staff as well as the soldiers in Afghanistan for the work in which they do.
There is no debt owed to these people as these people do the jobs that need doing and their reward is within certain parts of their jobs, these people do not expect anything from anyone as they are driven by selfless commitment alone. All these people may ask when they return home is respect the fact they do the jobs which no one else chooses or wants to do and that there times away means something to them and the men and women they served with.

Without the war going on Afghanistan is beautiful place on earth you just need to look past the bullets and the bombs.
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