Philosophy of Life


Life the best subject in the world, we all have to live it breathe it and by reading this I already know your doing it.
We all start life without the choice of starting, and in death we can not choose when we die. (without suicide)
So this leaves us with the content of life it's self in between birth and death.
Without diving into evolution theory, It is fact that every human being on the planet is different from one human to another, not two humans are exactly the same. This is proven by the finger prints each human being owns. Every Human being before you on the planet and every human being on the planet after you will never be exactly the same as you, Not one human being on the planet can live the same life as you or walk the same path as you exactly, there will always be similarities but never exactly the same.
Evolution is and has been creating us humans and will continue to create humans by the means of two, being one female human and one male (not that I need to explain this to you), both male and female are individually random from each other and the consequences to why they come together will also be random.
Working on the principle. I walked down the main high street in my town centre wearing a luminous bright florescent yellow T-shirt with the words 'I eat Chicken'.
As I walked from one end of the street to the other some people looked at my T-shirt,
some people smiled at the humour,
some people looked at my T-shirt and frowned because I looked silly,
 some people looked at my T-shirt and remembered they had to buy chicken for tonight's dinner.
 This simple interaction with these people will change there lives for ever (nothing major but by the thoughts they have, When you look at a chav you always say to yourself what a chav),
 as by my actions some people smiled, frowned and remembered, when they saw my T-shirt,
 whether they like it or not through the randomness of these people being in the high street at the exact same time this minute, this day.
 All the people now have the thought in there head of chicken and weather I looked funny or not.

Now on the same day same time same everything apart from I do not walk down the high street today for what ever reason, some of the people do not smile, some of the people do not frown and some of the people do not eat chicken for their dinner that night.

The point of this is that every single thing you do whether you do choose to do something or you do not either way has an effect on the rest of the world no matter how small a detail you think it may be, (Cause and effect, action and reaction, negative action and negative reaction).
Just think of what you think about when you walk along the street by yourself, when you see a good looking man/woman and they smile you will naturally smile back or smile to yourself, but if you see a angry or sad person walking down the street with the expression on there face you will naturally look away to avoid any conflict as humans tend to mimic others facial expressions.

So back to the point, the pattern of evolution is infinite randomness of creating new life which in it self creates more infinite random events of cause and effect.
What or where are the choices we make in life? If we do something it has a reaction or effect because it happens, If we do not do something it will cause a negative reaction or effect because it does not happen.
This applies to all forms of life from a fish in the sea to to a bird in the sky.
The choices we make as life range from the most simple life and death decisions in the wild and as humans we make decisions in life for a whole range of reasons most of them will be through emotion or rational thought.
In the wild a baby gazelle has the choice, to eat the short grass with the rest of the herd or wander off slightly to the lush long green grass just away from the main herd. This choice the gazelle makes will be one of inexperience if he was to wander from the herd as we all know where this is going, there will be a predator lying in wait a hungry Tiger ready to pounce.
The choice the gazelle makes is the same choice as yes or no and left or right.
There is no right or wrong in the gazelles choice only the two options presented before him, In hindsight option (A) to stay with the herd will be the right choice, and option (B) to eat the tall lush grass will be the death of the gazelle and be the wrong choice.

As we know evolution will always have a gazelle born which will always be different from the previous in the gazelles own way. All baby gazelles will go through this choice in there lives, with an infinite number of baby gazelles there is a infinite number of choices to be made, but collectively 50% of infinity will choose right and 50% will choose wrong.
But hang on if 50% will always choose right and 50% will always choose wrong, is the gazelles choice predetermined by infinity or does the gazelle actually decide his own fate?

Take your hand and wave it in front of a mirror, now to me and you this will seem silly as what do we achieve from this what result can come from waving a hand in front of the mirror.
Without scaring anyone or confusing the reader I will try and explain this one step by step.

In terms of the speed of light when I wave my hand in front of the mirror as I see it being human the reflection in the mirror of my hand will wave at the same time of my own hand.
But at the speed of light the reflection has already happened before the light hits our eyes and we see our actual hand reflection.
So the hand reflection travelling at light speed has already happened before you have actually waved your hand in front of the mirror.
But how is this possible for a reflection to happen before the actual event occurs.
even if it is a faction of a second difference it still happened before the actual event occurred.
This happens because it takes time for the light to travel to our eyes.
But if the reflection happens before the actual event does this mean at light speed the actual event happened before you moved your hand?
From your initial thought to your body moving will appear normal and appear to happen at a normal speed, but if I was to watch you wave your hand through a light telescope I would see you move your hand.
If I then move away from my light telescope a second later I will see you move your hand again but in actual time and not at the speed of light.
Giving me the illusion of seeing into the future, because I saw the hand wave through a light telescope happen and at the speed of light, and when I moved my eyes away from the light telescope I saw the hand wave at the normal speed.

What does this tell us? does the human brain and the action of thought happen at a speed equal to light and the time it takes for that thought action to the body acting out that thought is just slow?


Is it fact that everything we do from typing on the computer to running a marathon, at the speed of light, has the action you are about to perform next already happened?

If it is true that at the speed of light everything has already happened then this must mean our own thought process must of already happened for the action of the body to occur.
So lets step it up a gear, If one action has already happened in the speed of light, what about all of our actions throughout a single day.
For the speed of light to travel around the globe it can do this about seven and a half times in one second, we on the other hand take twenty four hours to complete a full day.
So for all of our thoughts and actions that occur in a single day it would have only taken light under a single second to see what you are about to do today for the next twenty four hours.

If the future of your life has already happened for the day in under a second determined by the speed of light, we now have to see weather or not that light has any reality, because to determine if light has a reality would mean that due to light being able to travel so fast and be able to see all of our actions before they happen at the speed of our reality, can only mean we have a predetermined path in life and we can not control our future destiny as light has already predetermined our path of life.
If we can prove that light does not have any reality then we can say that light only reacts from our own thoughts but then travels them so fast in the world of light that before our bodies have acted on that thought light has already travelled around the world once with what you are about to do next (for example). This would also mean that our future is not predetermined and that with every thought we have light speed would constantly keep having to reset for an infinite amount of time, going back to cause and effect.

 Does the world or the Universe exist in reality at the speed of light?
keeping in mind that we all fall into a 50% bracket with every choice we make in our lives and in the fact that at the speed of light all of everything has already happened before we actually act it out, It appears likely that before we are even born our lives seem to be already predetermined. But with a infinite amount of causes and effects not just going on in our world, but all over the Universe.
Evolution is a Universal happening that is the Universe, It is designed mechanically to evolve and with this in mind, Is the Universe predetermined from the big bang to the present day? and is there a way of finding the light that contains the data with our own future's? and could this be the only way to actually be in charge of our own destiny or would that already be predetermined infinitely.

I believe or rather I want to believe that I am in control of my own life and that the choices I make really are my own, but there is not a lot to support this. I came to start thinking about how the cause's and effects in my own life were starting to effect everything around me. For example If I randomly walk up to a stranger and give them a complement I know that my action will cause a positive reaction, and If I walk up to a stranger and tell them there weird and insignificant compared to the rest of the world, I know this will create a negative reaction. This in turn will effect there actions for the rest of the day, like the butterfly effect If I make a man angry in the morning with a negative action, If he dwells on this all day and goes to the pub in the evening he may end up being arrested.
This is the result of action and reaction or cause and effect.

I appreciate any constructive feedback on this subject as this Is a subject I enjoy and hope to learn more about and go further into philosophy, especially modern philosophy as we have more info and resources available now than the human race ever has before.
Thank you for reading

Chris Roberts
Band Of Modern Brothers

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